It has been said that "CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME."
This is a program to help members of our parish in need of economic assistance. Your donations are put to use within the boundaries of our own parish.
The Guardian Angel Outreach was born in 2013. Under the direction of our former pastor, Father Rodriguez, our parish adopted a family in need. A group of women approached him about having a more organized way of helping this family and others that might need a helping hand. After meeting with our new pastor, Father Tcheou in August 2014, he agreed that we could continue to assist our adopted family as well as other parishioners in need through the Guardian Angel Outreach. Now, our pastor, Father Ted Keating continues to carry on our GAO ministry.
Losing a job due to downsizing, illness, COVID, family changes, etc can cause overwhelming hardship. This is when the MMOC family steps forward and offers a helping hand through the grocery gift cards that you donate and the ones that are purchased with the monetary donations we receive!
Now that you know who the Guardian Angels are and how they operate, here are ways you can help if you are not already involved: !
Donations and gift cards are always accepted in any amount! Weekly monetary donations are used to replenish gift cards so they are on hand in an emergency. Donated gift cards are added to the inventory. You will be helping the parish twice by purchasing the gift cards through the Scrip program.
Be an Angel Every Second” collection: Every month, we remind the parish about the ministry and invite them to make a donation on the second Sunday of the month.
The Annual Poor Box Blitz is held every Lent. Our first Poor Box Blitz was held in 2014. Parishioners are invited to donate to meet the larger needs in the parish family. All proceeds are deposited in the Charity Fund. Father Keating is the only person with access to the fund.
The Guardian Angels hope this information is helpful and clarifies the mission of the outreach. We all need a little help on occasion. Thank you for reaching out to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Through your generosity and sacrifice, you are truly an angel as you support others during the tough times.
There is so much indifference in the face of suffering. May we overcome indifference with concrete acts of charity. Pope Francis
If you have questions, please contact Lena Shank by phone at 717-261-5137 or by email at [email protected]
The MMOC Care Committee maintains a database of willing parishoners who offer their time, talent and their interests. It seeks to connect parishoners who present needs with the parishoners who can help them.
If you wish to help or know someone with a need, contact the MMOC Care Committee at [email protected] or call Loretta Ness at 717-669-1891.
Our Parish Family collects nonperishable food items weekly for the Mount Joy and Donegal food Banks. Please drop your donations in the basket in the narthex.
Thank you for your continued help with the Food Bank donations. The schedule for families is:
1st Sunday A - E,
2nd Sunday F - L,
3rd Sunday M - R,
4th Sunday S - Z.
5th Sunday Everyone
Current needs are jelly, peanut butter, tomato soup, Chef Boyardee, crackers, spaghetti (in plastic bags), bagged rice, mac & cheese, pasta sauce, powdered milk, canned fruit (15 oz.), baked beans (15 oz.), ketchup, jello or pudding, tissues, canned fruit, applesauce and 100% fruit juice,
Grocery gift cards are also welcomed.
For more information on this ministry, please call Loretta Ness at 717-669-1891.
The Mount Joy food bank (653-4607) is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 9AM to 11AM. Website:
Donegal food bank (426-2360) hours are Wednesdays from 2PM to 4PM. Call for directions to their locations if needed.
The card ministry group regularly sends cards to homebound parishioners and others letting them know that MMOC loves them and is thinking about and praying for them. For more information email Sue Dishart at [email protected].